Since this is my first day of blogging, I'm going to back track a little bit to last month, with the release of the 2009 Annual issue of Chatham Magazine. This is put out by Rabideau Publishing, the same folks that put out Cape Cod Magazine
www.capecodmagazine.com and South Shore Living. If you haven't seen this yearly edition, it is awesome!! Full page photo layouts, and paper as thick as fruit roll-ups, you just want to eat it. What I loved about shooting for this edition was the diversity of the assignments. From butt-cracks to bannisters, hot-mods to hot-rods (and that is why I am a photographer and not a writer) these assignments had me all over Chatham! I loved setting up my White Lightning strobe with Vagabond battery pack, and blasting it through the windshield of Bruce Cook's Chevy Nova to make him look tough. Another memorable shoot was standing on an eight foot step-ladder looking down on Molly and Cassandra while our art director Chris Lewis and assistant Bryce, perfectly placed the tennis balls around the models in the waning Wequassett light. Hurry up to Chatham and scoop up a copy before they are gone! Last year, not an issue was to be found by the end of the summer!