You've heard of Lewis & Clark, but I doubt you have ever heard of Cutrona & Beavers. It is the great exploration team from the summer of 2008. Last August, Amy and I, and our good friends Bryce and Shanna went to Washburn Island in Falmouth for the night. I pitched this story to Cape Cod Magazine a while back, and then they said. "Do you want to WRITE it too?" Whoa. The last published item I had written was a Stephen Malkmus concert review for the Fitchburg Sentinel newspaper in 2001. I was rusty. But I accepted the challenge, and with a fabulous re-write by my wife (Shhh!!!) I think it is pretty darn good. You'll have to read the story for a full account of our harrowing tales, and the joys of camping without a fire, and being stranded on the island. So go to your local bookstore, have a drink of water instead of a Caramel Macchiatto, and cough up the four bucks to buy the magazine. :)
Just a little background on the photos: The photo of the glowing tent is a 10 second exposure with Bryce wearing a headlamp, and Amy and Shanna inside the tent furiously shaking around their flash lights. Then there is the silhouettes of our intrepid team, left to right, Amy, Shanna, and Bryce. And now I'm off to prepare for the convention!

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