Yup. First at "da club", on Monday night. Then again Wednesday night (same place), and then I ran into her on the merry-go-round, with my son. Just simply stumbled upon her with my camera in hand. My wife took Stella to the second floor of the carousel, I took Rocco to the little Ferrari around the corner that he wanted to go on, got him situated and noticed a huge crowd. I look up, and there she was! I was SHOCKED!! She was wearing panties!!

She was preening for the cameras, so I figure I'd give it a go as a papparazzo. And she lived up to her end of the bargain, spotted my lens for a brief moment and worked it. Rocco, was oblivious of course. But he and Stella can always say they rode on a merry-go-round with that beautiful girl that was in that show with whats her face.
I hope you washed everything afterwards!